Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mayor Atchison vanishes while provincial government pulls $8 million from Saskatoon’s economy

When the provincial government - flush with the billions in resource revenues - yanked 8 million dollars from Station 20 West last March, where was Mayor Atchison?

It seems that Atchison, who proclaims to be “Ensuring all neighbourhoods benefit” under his leadership, virtually went into hiding. At least in the StarPhoenix.

While the public actively engaged in debate regarding Station 20 West’s merits, not Atchison’s name nor his opinion appeared in a single StarPhoenix story regarding the 8 million dollar pullout. Peculiar, as Mayor Atchison was more than happy to glad-hand at Station 20 announcements prior to the funding being pulled.

Even more peculiar, while the StarPhoenix couldn’t find Atchison, Planet S Magazine could.

Perhaps there is a clue to Atchison’s whereabouts on his re-election website. There he trumpets that he is very busy “from early morning breakfast meetings to meeting citizens at banquets.” Apparently with all these breakfasts and banquets, “The People’s Mayor” has no worries about access to basic good food. Unlike those relying on Station 20 West's construction.

Atchison’s name finally surfaced on page A12 of the StarPhoenix on April 18th, 2008. That’s when an op-ed piece by Steven Lewis, adjunct professor of health policy at the University of Calgary and Simon Fraser University and president of Access Consulting, revealed:
Mayor Don Atchison was never a big supporter [of Station 20 West] and, if he is ever up for a fight with Regina, it won’t be over this.

So when the provincial government pulled millions out of developing Saskatoon’s poorest neighbourhoods – with a corresponding impact on economic activity in the local construction sector – why did most of the the public have to wait weeks to get a glimpse of our pro-development mayor’s stance?

Where exactly was Mayor Atchison hiding when Saskatoon needed leadership?

And for that matter, why was the StarPhoenix not looking for him?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I don't believe in removing comments, but the final sentence of Anonymous's post at 7:58am on Oct. 8 could be construed as libel.
