Perhaps the most frightening revelation in today’s StarPhoenix was this:
the city's revenue stabilization reserve, along with the other reserves that long have been a benchmark of the kind of prudence that had earned this city recognition and the highest-possible credit rating for strong fiscal management, have been seriously depleted in recent years, leaving little wriggle room.
While the StarPhoenix editorial attempts to spread the blame across city council for this serious financial mismanagement - a somewhat fair proposition - there has been only one man at the helm while Saskatoon’s finances fell apart: Mayor Don Atchison.
After all, a quick check of Atchison’s website will reveal that he is prepared to take credit for virtually everything that has happened in Saskatoon since he was first elected, from River Landing right down to pet spay/neuter programs.
But with no mention of Saskatoon’s burgeoning debt and depleted reserves, Atchison does not appear prepared to take responsibility for city finances.
Here are the indisputable facts:
• The city manager has confirmed that Saskatoon is running a “substantial” deficit, but cannot release the details until council meets, after the civic election
• Saskatoon’s “Rainy Day” cash reserves have been bled dry under Atchison’s leadership
• Saskatoon’s debt has increased six-fold since Atchison took office
And here’s the corker. In addition to blowing through Saskatoon’s reserves to shore up three deficit budgets in a row, property owners have faced a combined mill rate increase of 22.1% since Atchison took office.
Taxes up. Debt up. Reserves depleted.
That's Saskatoon's "Businessman" mayor.
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